Company audit in Thailand. Checking the supplier in Thailand

We will not only advise you on the following issues import or export of products и предложим комплекс наших других услуг в Таиланде, но и выполним аудит компании или поставщика.

One of our main activities is the audit of companies or suppliers in Thailand.

We will prepare an objective assessment of risks and opportunities, minimize possible problems, and evaluate the potential of the company with which your organization cooperates or plans to enter into cooperation.

When do I need an audit of a company in Thailand, for whom and when?

In practice, there are three main types of verification and auditing:

  1. До начала самого сотрудничества и принятия решения.

This audit allows you to evaluate the partner, future risks, reliability of the data provided, capabilities and experience of the production, product or services provided.

Checking a new partner, or your supplier already, is a common type of audit and the only one that is correct for starting a partnership.

  1. In the process of business cooperation itself.

Основными целями здесь будет являться контроль уже выполнения договоренностей, соблюдение сроков, технологий и качества продукта.

Зачастую аудит выполняется по ходу процесса, для мониторинга уже текущего состояния производства, организационной системы, или каких-либо изменений в худшую сторону.

  1. Identified problems or their occurrence.

Большинство организаций не имеют возможности сразу и оперативно быстро сменить своего поставщика в случае брака, или задержки сроков контракта.

В интересах не только заказчика, но и поставщика, совместными усилиями устранить проблемы, разработать совместные мероприятия по развитию поставщика и оказанию помощи.

Supplier requirements and features of audit services in Thailand

Аудит компании или поставщика по критериям заказчика услуги.

Основные критерии проверки это:

  • Production and storage processes
  • Financial statements
  • Product quality control
  • Development or design
  • Observation and visual assessment
  • Interviews and recordings with process managers
  • Evaluation of provided documentation
  • Order acceptance processes, transportation, and route formation
  • Loading, securing cargo and their processes
  • Transportation and its regulations
  • Response measures in non-standard situations and its readiness
  • Quality assurance processes
  • Various auxiliary processes for requests

The addition may include independent evaluation criteria, company or supplier, environmental or labor protection, human resources, or social aspects

An audit of a company, supplier, or planned partnership ends with an assessment in accordance with the established criteria, based on which the customer evaluates the supply capabilities, production, risks of cooperation, and reliability, among other things.

Audit evidence is collected through independent information collection, progress reports, and photo and video recordings.

The image of a conscientious partner is more important than commercial goals, we are trusted, and we appreciate it.

Widen Inter Trade - business services in Bangkok and products from Thailand.

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